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We can develop a recognizable logo for your company

Logo Design

The logo is the face of your company. It is the graphic element that represents you on all advertising spaces and is constantly in contact with the client. The main feature of the logo is its recognizability and the ease of perception. People should be able to easily identify your company and in some cases to even be able to immediately tell your area of expertise. We have developed logos for companies from many fields and we know how to make an eye-catching graphic symbol. Our logos reflect the vision, the principles, and the area of expertise of the companies they represent.

Creating a logo

The process of logo design starts with a thorough research of your company. We must know what you do, what services or goods you provide, what makes you different from the competitors. At a first glance all this information may not seem very important, but just as in business – in design, there are no little things. The logo is one of the crucial image elements of every company and, as far as the end user is concerned, is a quality warranty of your goods or services. It is no mere coincidence that companies that do not have a recognizable logo are commonly called «no name» and have no reputation to speak of. This is why any self-respecting company must have a recognizable and elegant logo.

Types of logos

The three most common types of logos are: a text logo, a graphic symbol, and a mixed logo with a combination of both. Below are some examples.
Logo as text

The text logo consists of the type style of the company or brand name. Standard styles as well as exclusive, individually designed styles are equally acceptable. The type style can differ in symbol register (upper / lower case), character and word spacing, color palette, etc. Example of a text logo:

Google logo

Logo as a graphic symbol

This logo consists of a graphic symbol — a corporate logo. Such graphics can be based on something entirely abstract, or an association, or a real drawing, or their combination. Example of a logo as a graphic symbol:

Olympics logo

Logo as a combination of graphics and text

The third type of logos is a symbiotic relationship of the graphical corporate logo and its textual representation. Example:

Microsoft logo

Contact us and we will create a recognizable and stylish logo for you, something that will emphasize your status as a company. Who knows, maybe your company’s logo will someday make history. We certainly hope so! At the very least, you will get a unique company symbol which will help people to easily memorize and recognize your goods as well as your company.
Logo design

The first logo ever

Fun fact

The first officially registered logo is said to be the trademark of the brewing company «Bass», which was a text inscription combined with a red triangle.

Bass Brewery logo

It happened on January 1st in 1876 in the headquarters of the British Patent Office. As the legend goes, the representatives of that company had spent the night of New Year’s Eve keeping watch by the doors of the Patent Office so that the next day, they could be the ones to receive the coveted registry number 1. How much truth there is in that story, difficult to say; however, «Bass» brewery would go on to become one of the largest in the world, while beer with its logo would forever make history through the paintings of the great Édouard Manet and Pablo Picasso, who added the beer bottles with the legendary red triangle to their paintings.

Édouard Manet «A Bar at the Folies-Bergère», 1882
Manet, A Bar at the Folies-Bergère

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